Shadow The Hedgehog DXXX

Once upon a gay old time i got a game from a pedofile skeleton it was a nes cartrige with a blank white sticker and "THISISAFUNGAMEANDWILLNOTPOSSIBLYKILLYOUORGETYOUBUTFUCKEDINHELLOKAYBYE-SATAN" written on it in black sharpee so i figured that it was a legit game and put it into my dreamcast but when i did a very scaaary hyperealistic title screen popped up with hyperealistic words on it that read "Shadow The DEADHOG. DID YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?"and"EMO OF THE YEAR EDITION!!!"the title screen was so scary i went poopy in my diper twice111! but i decided to keep playing because i am so smert but when i pressed start a demond ghost came out of my ps4 and said "YU BEDER STAHP PLAYIN DIZ GAIM UR IL BURNED DWN UR HOUZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  and it stabbed my eyes out but i merely shruged it off as a glitch and kept playing so when i pressed start again there was a picture of shadow cutting his hyper realistic wrists and hyper realistic eyes and hyper realistic blood coming out of his hyper realistic wound and there was a super hyper realistic hypitched scream that came with it and it was so scary that my head fell off and a meteor from hell crashed on my house YOUR NEXT!!!!!!!!!111